Eco Solar Hawaii

Eco Solar Hawaii

Solar: saving you money at home, but what about where you work?

Homeworks Construction solar panelsWe’ve helped over 1,500 Oahu families reduce or eliminate their electric bill, but have you considered reducing operating costs at your business or organization with solar?

Homeworks Construction in Honolulu was able to greatly reduce their energy bill with zero out-of-pocket expenses or impact to their Moilili headquarters.

Even with a small footprint and challenging roof layout, Homeworks was able to optimize their savings with super-efficient SunPower panels.

Click here to read the full story…

If you own a commercial building or work somewhere where solar would make sense, contact us to find out more.

What do you watch, listen and follow?

We pay for your referralsAnd why do we care? It’s not because were super-nosey. Seriously. We’re interested in the radio stations you listen to, the TV stations you watch and the websites you follow so we can target our marketing to find more smart people like you.

Please take a minute to fill out our Customer Interest Survey. You don’t have to give your name, but if you do, we promise not to tell anyone about that show you’re binge watching!

We’re reaching out to more people, but most of our new customers are your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers.

We’ve paid out tens of thousands in referral rewards. Our current reward is $500 for each new customer you refer that buys or leases a SunPower system from us.

So please keep those referrals coming!

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